Throat Chakra

Kick-Ass Guide to Unblocking Your 7 Chakras

Alright, let’s cut the crap and get down to the real deal. You’re here because you’ve heard of these mystical things called “chakras” and, guess what, they’re as blocked as the city’s drainage system during a thunderstorm.


So, how do we go about unblocking these chakras and turning you from a human traffic jam into a flowing river of cosmic energy? Read on, my friend, to learn some creative ways on how to unblock your 7 chakras.

Cosmic river of energy

Intro to Unblock Your Chakras


First off, if you think the chakra system are just some hippie-dippie bullshit, think again. These babies are the real deal, the energy centers of your body, and when they’re blocked, you feel like crap. So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how to unblock chakras and get you feeling like the superhero you are.


Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Root Chakra

Location: Tailbone, where all your “I can survive anything” vibes hang out.

Blocked Chakra Vibes:


Feeling as grounded as a helium balloon, or feeling more insecure than a teenager on their first date.

Ways to Unblock this Chakra:

  • Stomp Around: Ever feel so pissed off you just want to stomp? Do it! Your root chakra loves this primal, earthy connection. It’s like telling the universe, “I’m here, I’m grounded, get used to it.” Or, just take a stroll through the neighborhood to establish that foot-to-ground connection.Stroll
  • Eat Red Stuff: Tomatoes, strawberries, and any other red food that doesn’t come with a warning label. Why red? Because it’s the color of our most basic, earthy needs. It symbolizes the blood that keeps us alive. Eating red foods is like sending a direct mail to your root chakra saying, “Buckle up, we’re getting grounded.”
  • Visualize Red: Imagine a glowing, spinning red light at your tailbone, pulsing with every breath. This isn’t just woo-woo; it’s a mental massage for your root chakra. It’s like telling it to wake the hell up and dance.
  • More ways to open your Root Chakra.

Yoga Poses: Get grounded and secure, like a tree with deep roots.

  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Stand tall, feet planted firmly on the ground, and imagine drawing strength up from the earth.
  • Tree Pose (Vrksasana): Balance on one foot, the other pressed to your standing leg’s thigh, reaching your arms up like branches towards the sky. It’s all about feeling stable and badass.

Mantra / Affirmation: “I am grounded, secure, and stable. The earth supports me.”

Benefits: Feel grounded. Like, “I’ve got this” grounded, not “I’m in trouble” grounded – and feeling like you can conquer the world again, or at least your laundry pile. Security and stability, baby!

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

Sacral Chakra

Location: Just below your belly button.

Closed Chakra Vibes: Creativity and sex drive have left the chat.

How To Unblock The Sacral Chakra:

  • Dance It Out: Your sacral chakra is all about fluidity and creativity. When you dance, you’re not just shaking your booty; you’re shaking off emotional cobwebs and letting your creativity flow like a badass river. So put on some tunes and dance like nobody’s watching, even if your dog is judging you.Dancing
  • Orange Snacks: Carrots, oranges, and mangos aren’t just tasty; they’re like solar power for your sacral chakra. They energize it, fueling your creativity and sexual energy. It’s like feeding your chakra a power bar.
  • Sensual Healing: Get in touch with your sensual side. This could mean a sexy night in, a deep connection with your partner, or even just appreciating the feel of sheets on your skin. It’s about rekindling the fire in your belly and remembering that pleasure is a part of life.

Yoga Poses: For creativity and sexual energy flow, let’s get fluid and flexible.

  • Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana): Sit with the soles of your feet together, knees dropped to the sides, fluttering like you’re about to take off. Great for opening up those hips.
  • Hip Circles: Not exactly a classic yoga pose, but swaying your hips in circles while seated or standing gets the energy moving in the sacral area. Think of it as your personal dance with the universe.

Chakra Affirmation: “I welcome creativity and passion into my life with open arms. I flow with the rhythms of life.”

Benefits: Hello, Picasso! Welcome back, libido! Life’s a party again.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) Blockage

Solar Plexus

Location: Gut area, where you feel those “gut feelings.”

Clogged Up Chakra Vibes: If this chakra is experiencing blockage, your self-esteem may feel lower than a snake’s belly.

Solar Plexus Unblocking Moves:

  • Power Pose: Standing like a superhero isn’t just for kicks. It signals your brain to boost confidence, courage, and personal power. It’s like flipping a switch in your solar plexus chakra from dim to dazzling. Stand like Wonder Woman or Superman. Capes optional.
  • Yellow Munchies: Yellow foods are like sunshine for your gut. They’re bright, they’re cheerful, and they kick your self-esteem into high gear. Think bananas, corn, and anything else yellow that won’t dye your skin.Yellow Foods
  • Breathe Like a Dragon: Kapalabhati isn’t just a breathing exercise; it’s an abdominal and diaphragmatic boot camp. It stokes the fire in your belly, burns away self-doubt, and lights up your solar plexus chakra like a Christmas tree.

Yoga Poses: Time to fire up that confidence and inner strength with some core action.

  • Boat Pose (Navasana): Balance on your sit bones, legs lifted, body forming a V-shape. Feel the burn in your core? That’s your power center saying hello.
  • Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): Stand with legs wide, one foot turned out, arms extended over the legs. Gaze over your front hand, and channel your inner warrior spirit. Feel powerful yet?

Mantra / Affirmation: “I am powerful, confident, and capable of achieving my goals.”

Benefits: Confidence soars. Feeling like you can take on the world, or at least your inbox.

Unblocking Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Heart Chakra

Location: Middle of your chest, where you feel all the feels.

Blocked Chakra Vibes: More walls up than a fortress.

Opening the Heart Chakra Flow of Energy:

  • Love Bombing: Start with the person in the mirror. Compliment yourself, pamper yourself, and give yourself the love you’d give to others. It’s not vanity; it’s vital. Your heart chakra needs self-love to open up and spread love like confetti.
  • Go Green: Greens aren’t just for salads; they’re for your heart chakra too. They symbolize growth, harmony, and renewal—exactly what your heart chakra craves. It’s like fertilizing a garden, but the flowers are your emotions.
  • Let That Shit Go: Holding onto grudges is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Let it go and forgive for you. It’s about letting your heart chakra breathe, unfurl, and be free. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

Yoga Poses: Open up to love, compassion, and connection with some heart openers.

  • Camel Pose (Ustrasana): Kneel and reach back to your heels, chest lifted to the sky, heart wide open. Imagine your heart chakra beaming out love like a superhero’s chest emblem.
  • Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): Lie on your stomach, press your hands down, and lift your chest. Slither into the pose like the love serpent you are, opening that heart up to the skies.

Mantra / Affirmation: “I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally.”

Benefits: Love flows freely. You might just hug a stranger. Or not. Boundaries, people.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Throat Chakra

Location: Throat, where your voice lives.

Blocked Chakra Vibes: Silent as a mime.

Throat Chakra Balancing Techniques:

  • Sing, Shout: Expressing yourself isn’t just about being heard; it’s about being true to who you are. Your throat chakra thrives on honesty, expression, and letting your inner voice out. It’s about owning your truth, even if it’s just in the shower.Singing in shower
  • Blue Food Party: Blueberries, if you can find anything else blue that’s edible, you’re a wizard. Blue foods are rare, which makes them even more special. They remind your throat chakra to be open, clear, and unique.
  • Speak Your Truth: It’s not about being confrontational; it’s about being authentic. Your throat chakra is the gateway between your heart and head. When it’s open, your truth flows freely, like a river of relief. So speak your truth, even if it’s just “I hate broccoli.”

Yoga Poses: Speak your truth and express yourself with these throat-opening poses.

  • Fish Pose (Matsyasana): Lie on your back, lift your heart and prop yourself up on your elbows, tilting your head back. Open your throat and maybe belt out a tune or just breathe deeply.
  • Lion’s Breath (Simhasana): Sit comfortably, inhale deeply, then open your mouth wide, stick your tongue out, and roar like a lion on exhale. Release inhibition and find your voice!

Mantra / Affirmation: “I express my truth with clarity and confidence. My voice matters.”

Benefits: Your voice becomes clear. Say goodbye to swallowing your words.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Third Eye Chakra

Location: Forehead, between the eyebrows, where your “I know stuff” vibes are.

Blocked Chakra Vibes: As intuitive as a brick.

Opening the Energy Flow:

  • Visualize Indigo: Like a cool, mystic light bulb in your brain. Indigo is the color of intuition, wisdom, and deep inner knowing. Visualizing it is like tuning your internal radio to the frequency of the universe.Frequency It’s not just seeing; it’s perceiving on a whole new level.
  • Dream Journal: Because your dreams are trying to tell you something, even the weird ones. Your dreams are your subconscious talking to you. By writing them down, you’re giving your third eye chakra a voice. It’s like decoding the whispers of your soul.
  • Meditate: Focus on the space between your eyebrows, but don’t go cross-eyed. Meditation isn’t just sitting quietly; it’s listening loudly. It’s tuning into the space between thoughts and finding the wisdom that lies there. Your third eye chakra opens up when you give it the space to breathe.

Yoga Poses: Sharpen intuition and insight with poses that focus on the forehead.

  • Child’s Pose (Balasana): Sit back on your heels, forehead to the ground, arms extended or by your sides. It’s a moment of introspection and calm, tuning into your inner guru.
  • Seated Meditation with Third Eye Focus: Simple yet effective. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position, eyes closed, and focus your attention on the spot between your eyebrows. Dive deep into the seat of intuition and wisdom.

Mantra / Affirmation: “I trust my intuition and allow it to guide me in all aspects of life.”

Benefits: Intuition on point. You just know stuff, like a cosmic Google.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Crown Chakra

Location: Top of your noggin.

Blocked Chakra Vibes: Feeling as connected as a hermit.

Ways to Unblock this Chakra:

  • Chakra Meditation: Yes, again. But this time, it’s about transcending the self and connecting with the divine, the universe, or whatever you believe in. It’s about realizing that you’re a part of something much bigger and much more magnificent.
  • Violet Stuff: Eat, wear, or surround yourself with violet things. Lavender counts. Violet symbolizes spirituality, imagination, and enlightenment. Surrounding yourself with violet is like sending a VIP invite to your crown chakra, telling it to join the cosmic party.
  • Universal Love Vibes: Feel one with everything, even your annoying neighbor. When you feel one with everything, you’re tapping into the purest form of love. It’s about compassion, kindness, and understanding. It’s recognizing that we’re all made of stardust, and to that stardust, we’ll return.

Yoga Poses: Connect to higher consciousness and the universe with poses that promote connection, or total surrender.

  • Headstand (Sirsasana): Only for the experienced – invert yourself, balancing on your head with your legs up in the air. It’s about changing your perspective and connecting to something greater than yourself.
  • Corpse Pose (Savasana): Lie flat on your back, arms and legs relaxed, surrendering to gravity. Let go of everything and connect to the cosmos. It might look like a nap, but it’s a profound state of consciousness.

Mantra / Affirmation: “I am connected to the universe and the divine wisdom it holds.”

Benefits: Spiritual Wi-Fi at full bars. Enlightenment? Maybe. Feeling awesome? Hell yeah.

Wrapping This Shit Up

And there you have it, a no-bullshit, deep-dive into unblocking each of your seven chakras. Remember, if any chakra is blocked, it won’t be a one-off fix; it’s a lifestyle. Like brushing your teeth or complaining about traffic, it’s something you need to keep at to see results. So, get to it, and let’s turn that energetic trickle into a freaking waterfall.

Cosmic Waterfall

Like any good party, it’s all about the vibe. So keep it positive, keep it flowing, and keep it real. Unblock those chakras and unlock the badass within. Peace out, my chakra-loving yogis.

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