Colorful Journey

How to Tell Your Ego to F*ck Off During Yoga Practice

Ego in yoga journey

In the grand, sweaty saga of your yoga journey, there’s one villain that lurks in the shadows, ready to pounce on your peace of mind and flexibility gains: your ego.

Ego Handstand

Yes, that little voice in your head that whispers sweet nothings like, “Bet you can’t touch your toes like the person on the mat next to you,” or “Shouldn’t you be in a handstand by now?” It’s about time we had a chat on how to kindly, yet firmly, tell your ego to take a hike during yoga practice.

1. Acknowledge the Beast

Package Deal

First things first, recognize that the ego is part of the package deal of being a human. It’s not about exterminating it; it’s about understanding its place. Your ego is like that friend who means well but always ends up getting you into trouble. Recognize when it’s trying to take the driver’s seat during your practice.

2. Set Intentions, Not Expectations


Before you even roll out your mat, set an intention for your practice that’s got nothing to do with achieving a pose. Maybe it’s to stay present, to move with grace, or to breathe deeply. Setting intentions rather than expectations is like telling your ego, “Thanks, but I’ve got a different plan today.”

3. Embrace the Wobble

When you’re in a pose and start to wobble, that’s your ego’s cue to either panic or push you too hard. Instead, smile (yes, literally smile) and embrace the wobble. It’s your body’s way of figuring sh*t out. This is where you learn balance and resilience—not just on the mat, but in life.

4. Competition? Never Heard of It

Your yoga mat is not a battleground, and the person next to you is not your opponent. If your ego starts comparing your downward dog to someone else’s, gently remind it that yoga isn’t a spectator sport. It’s a personal journey. And on this journey, the only person you need to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

Happy Yogi

5. Thank Your Body

Every time you step on the mat, take a moment to thank your body for all the amazing things it does for you. Gratitude is like kryptonite to the ego. It shifts your focus from what you can’t do to what you can do. And suddenly, touching your toes doesn’t seem so important anymore.

6. Laugh It Off

Did you just faceplant while trying crow pose? Great! Laugh it off. Yoga practice is the perfect place to not take yourself so seriously. When you can laugh at yourself, you’re showing your ego who’s really in charge. Plus, laughter is a fantastic way to release tension—both physically and mentally.

7. Savasana: The Ultimate Ego Check

There’s a reason Savasana is called the corpse pose.


It’s where the ego comes to die (metaphorically speaking). Those final minutes of stillness on your mat are a powerful reminder that letting go is the ultimate act of strength. Allow yourself to surrender, and watch the ego dissolve into the mat.


Telling your ego to f*ck off during yoga isn’t about being aggressive; it’s about gently reminding yourself that the practice is a journey of self-discovery, not self-improvement. Each time you choose presence over perfection, you’re not just doing yoga; you’re living it.

Colorful Journey

And that, my friend, is where the real magic happens.

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